CT GSDC of Eastern Conn
President: Heather Quinn 413-461-6944 gredagarbo@msn.com
Secretary: Maggie Sergo 860-508-5354 bogdansergo@gmail.com
Website: none
Facebook: none
CT GSDC of Greater New Haven
President: Linda Chernak CherLynGSD@gmail.com
Vice President: John Vaught Masstanagsd@gmail.com
Corresponding Secretary: Barbara Newton Barwenshepherds@sbcglobal.net
Recording Secretary: Laura Chernak laura.chernak@yahoo.com
Treasurer: Cristina Lougal URSANC@gmail.com
Website: none
Facebook: none
MA Bay State GSDC
President: Steve Roda 978-248-9454 Romtrouble@aol.com
Sevretary: Toni Nelson 603-566-1599 tmnelson0555@comcast.net
Website: none
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BayStateGermanShepherdDogClub/
MA GSDC of Central Massachusetts
President: Michael R Huff 774-239-2188 SholanGermanShepherds@yahoo.com
Secretary: Toni Nelson 978-422-6515 tmnelson0555@comcast.net
Website: none
Facebook: none
NH GSDC of Southern New Hampshire
President: Emily St Hilaire 603-533-1468 Leashlady1@aol.com
Secretary: Diane Benoit 603-286-7879 dbenoit@hodgescompanies.com
Website: http://www.gsdcsnh.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GSDCSNH/
NY GSDC of Rochester NY
President: Kris Fletcher 585-872-1463 roselandfarm@aol.com
Secretary: Dawn Brogan 585-747-1314 dawn_brogan@hotmail.com
Website: https://www.gsdcrocny.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GSDCOR/
NY Iroquois GSDC of Syracuse
President: Dawn Sedorus 315-439-1507 IroquoisGSDC@gmail.com
Secretary: Sue Mills 315-363-5323 mills2530@twc.com
Website: none
Facebook: none
RI GSDC of Rhode Island
President: John Washborn 401-585-6711 john8444@verizon.net
Secretary: Alice Nardone 401-647-5471 art47669@outlook.com
Website: none
Facebook: none