GSDCA Junior Program
The GSDCA Juniors Program was designed to stimulate interest, encourage participation, and support young handlers of German Shepherd Dogs.
- The GSDCA has a special, free membership available for Juniors who would like to join. To join the GSDCA as a Juniors membership, click here.
- Juniors also receive recognition for completing a title in a performance event (obedience, agility, herding, or tracking).
- Performance Award plaques are awarded at the National to any junior finishing an AKC performance title.
- A seminar is offered annually at the National Specialty Show. All interested juniors, parents, guardians, and sponsors are encouraged to attend. The seminar offers hands-on ring time and tutoring with experienced handler.
Juniors are judged on their ability to present (handle) their dogs the same as those who compete in the breed ring. AKC recommends the loose leash temperament test be part of a judge’s evaluation of any junior handling a German Shepherd at either a specialty or All-Bred Show.
Although the GSDCA has programs to recognize the success of its Juniors, it believes that Juniors are motivated not by prizes but by the opportunity to exhibit in the sport, to learn and develop as handlers, and to meet and enjoy new friends as they prepare for the future of the sport of dogs.
The GSDCA wants to encourage, teach, and support Junior handlers of German Shepherd Dogs as an important part of the future of this breed.
Recognizing our Youth with their German Shepherd Dog
The GSDCA is starting a new recognition program for our youth through the age of 17 by placing a picture of their qualifying wins in the Review.
To submit your photo to the Review the youth needs to complete a form and send an original photo to the Review by mail or email. The photo of the win must have occurred within the past 6 months and have the youth’s name and the judge’s name that awarded the win. Click here for the authorization form.
The page in the Review will recognize the youth in our breed for a major accomplishment with a German Shepherd Dog. You do not have to be an official junior handler for this as we want to recognize all youths of any age.
This also includes the following awards:
Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Best Opposite Sex, Winner’s Dog or Bitch, Best Puppy or Best Opposite Sex Puppy, Best In Futurity/Maturity, Best Opposite Sex or Reserve Futurity/Maturity
Contact Nikki Bedea Email: njjellison@yahoo.com
The Robert Hamilton Award Program
Junior Competition Criteria and AKC Junior showmanship rules and regulations apply. Points are computed on all AKC sanctioned All Breed and Specialty shows which offer Junior Showmanship Point System.
Please submit a total for each show with tally of all shows.
- Class Placements – 1st = 5 pts. 2nd = 4 pts. 3rd = 3 pts. 4th = 2 pts.
- Additional 1 point will be awarded for each junior defeated, exhibiting = 1 pts.
Therefore, if junior wins Best Junior all juniors defeated in all junior classes may be counted.
The Award: Junior showmanship winner will be awarded the Robert Hamilton Award Trophy to be presented at the National for the fiscal year ending June 30 of that year. The Robert Hamilton Recipient will be asked to submit a write-up and picture to the Junior Chairperson for publication in the Review. All participants will receive a certificate.
Performance Award
This is awarded based on AKC sanctioned Shows held in the fiscal years from July 1 to June 30.
A signed statement by both the Junior and parent(s), guardian or sponsor who is a member of the GSDCA must be sent to the AKC chairman stating that the Junior completed each title or degree in its entirety along with a copy of the awarded certificate for completing of the title from AKC.
The award is given for each title completed in its entirety by a junior including confirmation, obedience, herding, working, rally, agility, CGC and others . The Junior will be awarded a plaque, listing all the titles and/or degrees earned at the National for the fiscal year ending June 30. The Performance Award Recipient will be asked to submit a write-up and picture to the Junior Chairperson for publication in the Review.

The Junior Scholastic Program – Highest GPA
The Junior with the highest grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 or equivalent for the two semesters completed immediately prior to the closing of the point system will receive this award. (the GPA must be verified by official school transcript or home-school information)
The Award: A Saving Bond of $100.00 will be awarded at the National to the winner.
Deadline for all awards: All information must be in receipt of Junior Chairperson by August 1st along with all documentation requested. Send all documentation to Nikki Bedea Email: njjellison@yahoo.com
Junior Awards Programs from the AKC
Junior Showmanship offers children between the ages of 9 and 18 years of age an opportunity to develop their handling skills, learn about good sportsmanship, and learn about dogs and dog shows. Juniors are judged on their ability to present, or handle, their dogs as they would in the breed ring.
Juniors may also gain recognition in companion, performance and coonhound events such as obedience, agility, rally, tracking, herding, earthdog, hunt tests, and lure coursing.
To obtain a junior number visit the AKC here
Juniors receive a pin for the first title earned along with a title bar. View your most up-to-date awards listing for all of your competitions. All you need to do is request an access code.
Visit the GSDCA Juniors Facebook group