Mid Pacifi Region

CA Diablo Valley GSDC 
President: Theresa Royer 650-224-6442 theresaroyer@hotmail.com 
Treasurer: Karen Toth 925-829-1535 kmtoth@earthlink.net 
Website: https://www.dvgsdc.org 
Facebook: none

CA Golden State GSDC of San Jose 
President: Eric Norby 925-286-6976 goldenstategsdc@sbcglobal.net 
Secretary: Ben Bigornia 650-575-4870 benbigornia@yahoo.com 
Website: none 
Facebook: none

CA GSD Fanciers of Northern California 
President: Ben Bigornia 650-575-4870 benbigornia@yahoo.com 
Secretary: Sue Court 650-207-0366 lacy340@aol.com 
Website: none
Facebook: none

CA GSDC of Sacremento Valley 
President: Linda Kury 530-492-3259 lindakury@suddenlink.net 
Secretary: Carolyn Martello 530-637-4848 marhaven@suddenlink.net 
Website: https://www.gsdcsv.com 
Facebook: none

CA Santa Maria/San Luis Bay GSDC 
President: Cindy Tellefsen 805-929-6388 cindytellefsen@live.com 
Secretary: Kathy Gray 805-922-6153 SMSLBGSDC.secy@gmail.com 
Website: none 
Facebook: none

HI GSDC of Hawaii 
President: Patrick Ayers 808-254-5400 patayers@hawaii.rr.com 
Secretary: Apuhi Cainha-Ayers 808-254-5400 tinayap@hotmail.com 
Wedsite: none 
Facebook: none

NV GSDC of Reno 
President: Dee Lauffer 719-491-4663 wynottgsd@gmail.com 
Secretary: Carolyn Martello (530) 637-4848 marhaven@suddenlink.net 
Website: none 
Facebook: none

UT Great Salt Lake GSDC 
Linda Thompson 801-571-7584 m.1.regency@gmail.com 
Connie Malo 801-915-0486 conleegsd@att.net 